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"On the Way to Divine Providence: From the Abyss of Time to the Throe of Eternity," Theological Studies, Vol. 84, 4, November 2023.


On the Way to the Other: Dread, Wonder Awe,” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Vol. 22, 2021, 50–61.


Robust Evolution in Historical Time,” International Philosophical Quarterly, June, 2020, 153–172.


“Terminal Patience: A Philosophical Meditation,” The Newman Rambler, Winter, 2016.


 “Desire, Passion and the Politics of Culture,” The Montreal Review, May, 2014.


 “The Trauma of Evil and the Traumatological Conception of Forgiveness,” Continental Philosophy Review, August, 2009, 401-419.


 “Wound Made Fountain,” Theological Studies, September, 2009, 525-554.


The University as an Open Space For Grace,” Proceedings of the Center for Catholic Studies, Seton Hall University, 1999.


Insight, Judgment, World: Rethinking the Ontology of Being and Time,” Philosophy In the Contemporary World, Summer/Fall, 1998, 45-54.


The Auroral Hour and the Throe of History,” Crosscurrents, Spring, 1997, 59-68.


“Intelligibility and the Ethical,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Winter, 1997, 101-112.


Comedy and the Absurd Economy of Celebration,” Crosscurrents, Spring, 1995.


 “All Love is Self-Surrender,” Method, Spring, 1995.


A Reply to Michael Maxwell,” Method, Spring, 1994, 109-119.


“Joy and Gravity: A Meditation on the Will to Live,” Second Opinion, July, 1994, 57-69.


The Way of Suffering: A Reasoning of the Heart,” Second Opinion, April 1992, 21-33.


“The Experience of Horror and the Deconstruction of the Self,” Philosophy Today, Winter, 1989.


Wonder as Hinge,” International philosophical Quarterly, March 1989, 53-66.


On the Way Between Heidegger and Lonergan,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2, 1988, 63-88.


“Vertigo and Genuflection: A Philosophical Meditation,” Modern Age, Summer/Fall 1987, 369-377.





The Cry of Abel’s Blood,” Commonweal, April 14, 2017.


Vermeer’s Window,” America, October 19, 2015.


Dear Daniel Snyder,” Washingtonian,  August, 2013.


An Aperture for Grace: A Meditation on Botticelli’s Annunciation,” America,  April 8-15,  2013.


A Song of Praise, a Howl of Grief,”  Charlottesville Daily Progress, September 2, 2012.


The Original Gift,” Commonweal, June 3, 2011, 31.


In Opposition to Obama, the Spirit of Nullification Returns,” Baltimore Sun, September 15, 2011.


A Commoner’s Speech,” Newswise, February 24, 2011.


My NAACP Jacket,” Baltimore Sun, July 27, 2010.


Selected Work: Welcome
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Jerome A. Miller

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